Sunday, February 24, 2013


Hi! Everyone! Happy Chinese New Year (Last day of CNY ^^)
While everyone is starting school and their jobs... I announce

I will be on an overseas trip soon (countdown 9 hours)!  

HAHAHA... *Punchface* ^^
Now busy squeezing packing my stuffs in my tiny little luggage bag. Am I crazy if I am thinking of packing detergent in my luggage? XD
Hope it didn't exceed the maximum weight! I will be update more on my facebook page with my drawing on my notebook and I will try to make time to update my blog too... ^^


  1. macam saya laa...hahahha...BRING ALL DA STUFF!!!

    where r u goin? sounds fun!!!

    1. Hehe... Sorry to reply so late. Going Korea for 4 months! For exchange programme... ^^
